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Explore Collections by Brand Season

12 Collections, 4 Brand Seasons, 3 Visual Vibes

This is the 30,000-foot view of all of your options, in one snapshot. Our 12 collections map perfectly around the 4 brand seasons. Each brand season can be expressed in 3 visual vibes: elegantmodern and vibrant.

Step One
Take the Brand Quiz to find out your Brand Season. It's fun, insightful and fast!
Step Two
Choose your desired visual vibe: Elegant, Modern or Vibrant.
Step Three
Cross reference your brand season and visual vibe to find your perfect match.

Spring Brands

Creative / Expressive / Friendly

Wit & Wisdom

Indulge your cozy side. Wit & Wisdom has the warmth of an April afternoon with the vibrance of an equatorial sun. It’s eye candy wrapped up in fun with a pop of color and a dash of adventure. Wit & Wisdom celebrates life and welcomes new beginnings.

Bright, Fresh, Zesty

Soul & Style

Like a flamingo in a flock of pigeons, Soul & Style’s colorful and vibrant aesthetic is made for any entrepreneur who wants their business to stand out—because you are anything but conventional.

Eclectic, Joyful, Creative

Dream & Delight

Dream & Delight is all the strategy without the snooze. For the original thinkers who thrive at information synthesis and trend forecasting, Dream & Delight is proof that you can be sharp and incisive without skimping on style.

Original, Uplifting, Sharp

Summer Brands

aspirational / balanced / supportive

Style & Strategy

Style & Strategy is the free-spirited genius of the bunch. It’s the warm breeze of a beachfront sunrise. A testament to the power of soft strength, Soul & Strategy owns the space where trust, competence, and joy intersect.

Aspirational, Joyful, Intelligent

Grace & Gumption

Like the perfect summer dress, Grace & Gumption is effortlessly chic and enchantingly comfortable. It strikes the perfect balance between spontaneity and structure. Not too dramatic, not too loud, and just the right amount of composure.

Peaceful, Organic, Calm

Bliss & Blossom

Poised, perceptive and a little bit preppy, Bliss & Blossom writes with a yellow Ticonderoga pencil and chugs spiced vanilla lattes like it’s nobody’s business. Organized, ordered, and organic. Efficiency comes easily to Bliss & Blossom.

Intellectual, Intuitive, Stylish

Fall Brands

abundant / substantial / authentic

Hustle & Heart

More of a hugger than a handshake, Hustle & Heart is polychromatic sophistication at its finest. It’s your cheerful side-kick that whispers “everything is figureoutable” when you’re in a rut. Eager to help and always humble, Hustle & Heart is a total powerhouse.

Trendy, Elevated, Abundant

Rise & Shine

Rise & Shine is the trusted advisor and reliable friend everyone wants in their corner. It gets things done with minimal fuss and drives projects through to completion. Envision and execute. Rise and shine. Rinse and repeat.

Sophisticated, Decisive, Timeless

Flow & Freedom

Flow & Freedom has the irresistible je ne sais quoi charm of a No. 2 pencil in a leather-bound diary. It’s elegant yet approachable, cerebral yet artistic, playful yet productive. Dialectic in all the senses, it lures you with a smile so radiant you know it must be coming from within.

Brainy, Reliable, Productive

Winter Brands

driven / distinctive / decisive

Zen & Zest

Zen & Zest is electric. It captivates with its neon colors, mesmerizes with its grounded ambition, and invigorates with its vibrant energy. Dynamic and determined, Zen & Zest goes the extra mile with a sprinkle of color and a splash of fun.

Flashy, Confident, Bold

Grit & Grace

Grit & Grace exudes a clean, editorial energy with a crisp, high contrast color palette. It’s your competitive coworker with a bias for action and an eye for elegance. (FYI: If you like Digital Brand Kit’s branding, Grit & Grace is for you!)

Moody, Clean, Elegant

Bold & Brave

Bold & Brave is all about shipping the work and keeping it casual. It’s not here to ruffle any feathers but will let you know if yours are out of place. If Bold & Brave had a bestie, it would be Thoreau. Simplify, simplify.

Minimalist, Strategic, Focused
The Color Meaning Cheat Sheet

Your brand colors are more powerful than you think. Get strategic about choosing colors that truly represent your brand’s unique personality.

The Brand Personality Quiz

Gives us 3 minutes and we’ll help you nail your brand identity and finally understand how to translate your vision into a visual identity.


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