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The Best Design Platforms For Your Website 

Best design platforms for your website

Wix, Squarespace, and Showit are the top three website design platforms I recommend. Learn about the pros and cons of each platform so you can build your brand on the right digital rails.

Spice Up Your LinkedIn Profile

You have a huge opportunity to use visuals to stand out on LinkedIn. (Most people neglect it.) Here are two easy ways to do that.

Design or Copy: Which Comes First?

Design or copy first? The answer matters because it impacts your workflow (efficiency!) and your content quality (no more DIY vibes). 

Color Psychology: Black, Gold, & Gray

Does your personal brand need a touch of black? What about a shimmer of gold or a streak of gray?
By the end of this article you’ll know if black, gold, or gray are right for your brand.

The Color Meaning Cheat Sheet

Your brand colors are more powerful than you think. Get strategic about choosing colors that truly represent your brand’s unique personality.

The Brand Personality Quiz

Gives us 3 minutes and we’ll help you nail your brand identity and finally understand how to translate your vision into a visual identity.


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